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Welcome To The Farmstead

...Now get down your fiddle and get down your bow!


"Nature's Book Always Contains The Truth; We Must Only Learn To Read It"

                                                                -Sepp Holzer


A Little About Us...

We began our little farming adventure in 2016, with a dream of learning a simpler, more in tune with the Earth, "less is more", kind of life. Starting with very little knowledge of livestock and all that comes with a farmstead, through all of the learning, trial and error, up's and down's, failures and successes, we have managed to settle in to a perfect, harmonious little dream come true! And we are SO excited to have this opportunity to share in this bounty with all of you!


From Willow Weaving, Gourd Art, Fiber Art, Soaps and Skin Care, and all sorts of this and that.....if I can grow it, raise it, forage for it, or source it locally, I surely will find a wonderful use for it!


Be sure to check out our Valais Blacknose Sheep section to learn all about the "Cutest Sheep In The World" and our Breed-Up Program!


Follow us on Facebook for all the latest updates and shenanigans. There's always somethin' happenin' here at the Fiddlin' Farmstead!


Ready to skip ahead and indugle yourself in an endless variety of amazing body care products that are made here with all natural ingredients that not only nurture your skin but also provide aromatic nurturing for your mind.





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Finding a balance on a small scale.......

We strive to take a permaculture based approach to our small farm here in central Minnesota.  When you work with your land and resources, your environment and all of it's inhabitants, you will discover so much companionship all around you. Finding livestock that is easy on the land, easy on the fences, and that provides sustainable renewable resources while filling your heart with joy, is of upmost importance! Our journey to finding a perfect mixed herd, after exploring all sorts of options for a few years, finally led us to settle on Alpacas, Sheep, and Peafowl. It was a mutual realization one day that everything was in it's right place. There was almost this sense of peaceful fulfillment.  Between these animals we get a bounty of wool, fiber, milk, and beautiful feathers! They all have such a peaceful disposition and not only get along wonderfully amongst each other, but they also get along pretty well with humans! Both sheep and alpacas have similar diets, are easy on the land as gentle grazers, and deliver a magical addition to your garden soil needs. Want to learn more about sustainable farming on small acerage? Hop on over to our blog!


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