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Hey! Guess what?!? I FINALLY did it! It only took a couple years, lots of frustration, and lots of breathing breaks to avoid breaking computers.....and perhaps some not so nice conversations with the other website platform.....which reminds me.....I need to call and have one of those conversations with them again so I can get my ".com" domain which I own, off of their platform and on to this new, much easier to stay sane navigating, platform.....until then....we are ya win some and loose some right?....and try not to go insane in the process. Find happiness in small successes and accomplishments, rather than belittling yourself on failed attempts. They really show growth and perseverance. Something to be proud of!

It's almost mind boggling, how much time is wasted trying to put together something that should be so simple, but technology doesn't come simple to I tend to walk away and find something beautiful to make that allows me to dwell on the positive things I CAN do, and not beat myself up about the things I just am downright not good at. Then with more beautiful products comes more new labeling.....more technology to fight with? Yay!

Anywho.....bare with me while I continue to edit (I know, there's spelling errors everywhere!), add pages and products that are ready to serenade your mind and body, and navigate any logistics with shipping, inventory, Yada yada..... life isn't always sunshine and rainbows, and we must come to terms with the fact that challenges merely are an opportunity to help us grow and find patience and understanding. Perspective is everything! Self appreciation and loving ourselves for what greatness we can achieve easily, and being okay with what doesn't come easily....realizing that we all start somewhere, we all have room to grow and learn.....that should come as a blessing! If you ever think you know it all and have no need to learn or grow, you should ask yourself why you feel that way. If you ever belittle someone for asking what you think is a dumb question, you should ask yourself where your journey began, and did you just know it all from the moment you were born? Can you fly a plane? If not, and you asked someone who can fly a plane a simple question, are you dumb for not knowing what comes easily to someone who's been flying planes for years? Or did you maybe ask some "dumb" questions and by doing so you gained some knowledge and had the eagerness to learn, and the courage to ask! And hopefully you had someone that appreciated those dumb questions, because they saw that you cared enough to ask! And if you find those kind hearted people, keep them! And you'll see how much joy they find in sharing their knowledge!

......okay, I have no clue where I was going with that! (Thanks Tony, if you read this, for that lovely conversation yesterday! You get it 😉)

I tend to ramble.......hopefully having a blog (that is what this is called right?) helps me share more easily rather than writing random novels on social media..........

Alright back to, umm, the web store! I've spent 2 whole days putting this together, from logistics to photo staging to.....oh my head hurts. Feel free to reach out if things aren't working smoothly, and check back often as I'll be continuing to add more goodies! But also, keep in perspective, I'm only human and I'm also spending valuable, irreplaceable time with family while I can, and practicing self care as well. Kind suggestions, questions, input.....always is welcome and appreciated! Be a constructive person, in every aspect of life. Words are powerful, so speak them with light and a heart full of love ❤️

And one last note.....Thank you my dear friend Dana for following through on my product trials by leaving me a review! Where's my other "testers" at? Don't make me call you out by name! 😂

-The Fiddlin' Farmer

p.s. oh my goodness this blog thing is going to be so FUN!

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